
Poking the Bear!!

What is our Military Industrial Complex really cooking up?

I just couldn't resist…. It wasn’t easy to refrain myself from throwing out a fun little thought experiment your way.

Look at it as my contribution to part of your weekend activity with friends and family. ;)

In PSYOPS, we all know about the art of Misdirection — “hey, look over there, not here!”

And, of course, getting The Sheeple to preoccupy themselves with false narratives and trivial distractions… it’s as easy as taking candy from a baby.

With the results of the Trump Trial, we all got to see a budding banana-republic in development, where the political targeting of an individual took center stage over prosecutorial ethics (i.e., questioning the actual commission of a crime, eh, well, worth prosecuting).

So, today, I ask you a What If

What If the sham trial, and its outcome, was all preplanned ahead of time, as a diversionary event to mislead the Sheeple and draw their focus away from the real intended target and mission, currently operating under our noses:


While my bear cub readers and personal groupies know precisely what will happen by poking this bear (oh, let’s say some hard-nosed, stubborn banter and ornery, factious dialogue)…

What do you think will happen when NATO’s mouthpieces, led by President Blinken (ahem, I mean “Biden”), intentionally start provoking a hot-war with Russia?

Umm… let’s see.

Think you have an Election to care or worry about, this November?

Not if we’re trying to go into a full-blown war with Russia — the least expansionist country out there; the very one, by the way, who played a crucial role in defeating Nazi Germany.

Russia has repeatedly sought peace agreements with Ukraine, but these efforts have been obstructed by Western powers.

Our (now) backwards Military Industrial Complex is, in my opinion, ruling the roost.

Will things change?

Will people rise up, by stripping away their blue vs red labels, and protect the rule of law and honor the values of our democratic republic?


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