Great! I’d love to have you. But first…
⚠️ A grizzly Warning:
My bulletins are not for everyone!
The TL;DR:
📝 This is where I share observations, insights, and resources tied to things I am finding personally fascinating. Human nature, business / investing and self-improvement are the key drivers.
📝 My bulletins are sometimes a refection of what I have, or still am, working through in my own life… and these learned lessons, no doubt, can be delivered in a facetious / tongue-in-check, flippant… or outspoken manner. Content may be for my own amusement (with a hope to add some amazement to your own brain).
📝 I have no set publishing schedule, except for my every-Saturday WEEKEND WHATS — for paid (Pro) subscribers… this is a link roundup of content (articles, reports, people, resources, etc.) that I have found super-valuable throughout the prior few weeks. And I preface each recommended link with my own personable grizzly-ness.
📢 The I-Told-You-So Version:
I’m often told that I can get into modes where I’m irreverent, uncensored, candid, and decidedly unmindful of the status quo. Yes, I’ve even been scolded for using profanity in my writing (J. D. Salinger is shaking in his grave).
So #fairwarning…
If you’re easily offended or tribal in your approach to life and business, I highly suggest you forget this newsletter exists (yep, being totally serious).
On the other hand, if you can appreciate a no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is stance on wrestling greater returns out of everything you do, I believe we’ll get along famously.
My offerings will not be the standard rehashed, regurgitated, G-rated rhetoric.
This is for me, not YOU!
There… there you go. I said it.
This is my slice of online real estate for my own bemusement; it’s essentially my personal soapbox for ranting, raving, sharing, commenting on and just plain broadcasting anything I’m observing or emoting about.
I do that often. It’s truly cathartic. You should try it yourself sometime. ;)
I hope me being truthful and honest upfront is a virtue for you.
If it is, and you think you can benefit by coat-tailing off my lead in that way, then by all means please subscribe below (no charge).
Unique Sh*T Only For Email Subscribers
Some of my most valuable research, commentary and tools are ONLY accessible to paid-up subscribers.
If you want my unique and time-sensitive information, to help you leverage your life, upgrading is the way to go.
There’s no formal-structured offering as a Bear’s Bulletins subscriber. Nor a set publishing schedule (yet).
Sometimes I’ll just send you a notice about a new blog posting (truly you can just check back here, as you remember). Other times (which is mostly), I send my cherished subscribers over some fabulous resources that I know they’ll rave about!
The THREE Core Life Concerns That Keep You Awake At Night
In the quest to keep my offerings simple, or inextricably interconnected, I classify all my posts under the following three core categories:
SELF: Self-growth, awareness and responsibility. These will be the posts / emails which provide unique insight and resources about YOU. What it takes to Know Thyself.
HEALTH: Emotional, mental & physical health; these are the fuel source for any and everything else. This area of your life is the most sacred, as without sustained good health, nothing else matters.
WEALTH: Renegade wealth creation starts with unconventional wisdom and stepping outside the hypnotic trading-time-for-money BS you’ve grown up with. I will help you to unravel this.
The ONE Core Life Concern That You Can Ignore (But Keeps Annoying You)
Culture & Society: I have this section of posts non-capitalized for a reason. For all intents and purposes, you could try to sweep society’s ills, and culture’s absurdities, under the rug (many of my readers do); however, as much as these topics shouldn’t affect your ability to design a purposeful and fulfilling life… well… for shit’s sake… they still hover around your head like an annoying fly. I rip through these, so you can get back to what you CAN control (see core sections above).
Most importantly, when you join my email newsletter, I won’t fill your brain with endless pitches or advertising drivel. I will only write commentary, add a resource link, or upload news items when I have something provocative, progressive, and potentially profitable for you to peruse (Dr. Seuss… eat your heart out).
To get Bulletin entries into your inbox, simply give me permission to send ’em.
👋 Why the hell my fans put up with me:
“Barry, just wanted to say how much I love your emails. Always look forward to them. Keep them coming my way. ;)” - Angela V. Langlotz Trademark Attorney
“One of the few newsletters I look forward too. The best info you can sink your teeth into!” - Jared Maidenberg Lifestyle Entrepreneur
"I've read from a lot of writers in the past two decades. But, to this day, you still have the most eloquent writing, formatting, and grammar that feels natural to me. Badass, you are!" - Jody Sachse
”I know I don’t get a chance to tell you very often, if at all, I enjoy your writing and sense of humor very much.” - Dr. Tom Murasso
“I always find your writing interesting and informative, and in many cases presenting a new thought or approach to an issue.” - Lonnie Clark
“Hi Barry! I just wanted to send a note of thanks for your work! I love your no BS writing, opinions. I'm a straight to the point girl, so please keep it coming!
“Take care and may God bless you and your family.” - Renee Koch
“I am always looking for things to help me improve, and your emails provide a nice balance to give some non-financial information. Although I very much appreciate the financial info from your emails too.” - Joseph Niswonger
“Hi Barry, I thought it was high time I reached out and told you that I love your emails and the way you write. Yours are probably the only emails I read every time they hit my inbox.” - Hayden Stevenson
“I can already tell I will be a long time customer and look forward to following you. Thanks for being one of the few who say what’s right and don’t sell out for a few bucks! Hard to find people like that these days!” - Daniel Planz
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