Before I get into today’s bulletin, a few notes:
In reference to Homestead, If you weren’t able to get some free tickets on me, I forgot to mention that Angel Studios themselves has a ‘Claim Free Tickets’ option on the lower-right of this page. Most of my bears here are self-sufficient and can afford their tickets; however, if you know someone who can’t, pass along this link.
In reference to Bitcoin, all my key info / insights are curated on that link. Much more to come, this year.
In reference to a new income-machine — and, yes, once that I am personally using myself — a forthcoming Opportunity Alert (#4) will be unveiled to my Pro (paid-up) bear fans in a few weeks. This A.I. web-based system was put together by a fellow Navy shipmate (he was on the USS Enterprise; me on the USS Roosevelt), and this will be one of the most stress-free ways you’ll have to earn passive income. Stay tuned.
Now, over to my friend James Rutter, who just threw down some timeless reminders to soak in:
I’ve wanted to share some thoughts that I believe will be helpful to the public at the start of every year, but I never have.
This year, I am and here they are:
#1: Time is running out
Not to sound dire, but every minute you live is one minute closer to your death. So don’t waste a second of your life. Make use of your time as best as possible.
How do you use your time wisely? Create value in the marketplace, make someone’s life better, strive for holiness and do the things that lead to that.
There’s no being still. You’re either growing or shrinking. You’re either getting closer to your goals or further away from them. Remember, time doesn’t stand still. So every minute you aren’t utilizing your time wisely is a minute you’re going in the opposite direction.
If manageable, do two things at once. Don’t wait on hold with a phone next to your ear. Put it on speakerphone and knock out other tasks.
#2: There are always at least two perspectives to everything
Challenge your beliefs constantly and be aware of your biases and conscious and even subconscious alliances. If anything, challenging your beliefs will strengthen your resolve in your current beliefs. Do it with faith, history, money, political alliances, etc.
Branch out of your little world. Learn what else is out there and other perspectives on your beliefs. Learn new things, but make them things worthwhile. You can learn from anyone because they’ll have experiences you haven’t.
#3: Plunge into self education
Read or listen to books on topics you want to learn more about. Identify areas you need or want to improve on in life, and find books on those topics. Listen to educational podcasts, videos, etc. Increase the speed from 1x to 1.25x or 1.5x to consume more in less time, but be careful not to learn at such a speed that knowledge goes in one ear and out the other.
Read or listen to books on human psychology and why people do what they do. I’ve read two of those in 2024 (The Psychology of Money and Nudge - it has many psychology components to it). The best book I’ve read on that topic though is Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin.
If you’re a parent, read a parenting book. I highly recommend Raising Mentally Strong Kids.
Read books on money, especially on Bitcoin ASAP. The world is changing rapidly. Don’t put your trust in someone else who is opposed to new technology, especially when it’s about money. The best book I can recommend on understanding the Bitcoin revolution is The Bitcoin Standard.
#4: If you want to create a drastically different 2025, don’t start with making drastic changes right away
Start with creating small habits that when repeated over days, weeks, and months will create that drastic change. If you make too big of a change at once, then it’ll be hard to adjust. The trick is to create habits.
If you know or have a good idea of the person you want to be (an improved version of yourself), then divorce your 2024 self and create the 2025 self you want this year. Be the parent, friend, employee, business owner you want to be. It’s never too late to change for the better and rid yourself of any thought that says, “This is just the way I am.”
#5: Forgive others. Don’t carry grudges into this year
Scripture stresses the importance of forgiveness and the graveness of not forgiving. It’s not just healthy to forgive, it’s a must for you to have eternal life. (Search “forgiveness” in my posts, and you’ll see this in a previous post I’ve made).
#6: Spend more time with your family
Your children will grow up way faster than you can ever imagine. It truly feels like you blink and they’re almost teenagers. Create memories with them that they’ll never forget, and tell them every day that you love them.
Pray for them and their future spouses if God should call them to marriage. You can never pray for them enough.
That’s all I have for now. I hope those tips help you have an amazing 2025!
MEET JAMES: James has spent over a decade helping friends eliminate debt, create additional sources of income to increase their cash flow, and both grow and protect their wealth to leave a legacy to their loved ones.
James initially began helping others in his spare time as a hobby while he was practicing law as an Assistant Attorney General, but after deciding to leave the practice of law to spend more time with his wife and five children, that hobby turned into a life-long mission.
After eliminating hundreds of thousands of personal student loan and credit card debt, James has shared his story and methods in stadiums to crowds of over 20,000 people.
It doesn’t matter to James whether he’s helping people across a table, over a zoom, or on stages. Each person he educates is one more person that he can help climb out of the rat race and begin to grow and protect generational wealth.
The tools and tips James shares have helped people save and/or make thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars; go from paying interest to earning interest; and go from uncertainty in retirement to guarantees.
Learn how to bank on yourself here...
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Until I write again —
Your Partner in the Quest for
Living a Life Without Limits,
Barry “Bear” Goss