The fountain of youth, $5k revenue streams, the best spy gear + More…
A weekly resource & link roundup. Other highlights: The purple pill; 10 lessons from a $50m earner; why you shouldn't care so much; Monkey business; and the Butterfly Circus. Even more...
🔭 Quick observation:
This platform, Substack, appears to be full of punch-drunk NEWS junkies — or, at least, writers who love giving their Takes, even those from a 3000-foot view, on everything… anything… going on ‘out there’ in the world. I refrain from playing armchair political pundit, geopolitical analyst, or pretending I understand influencer / activists culture.
Instead, I’ll just continue riffing on human nature… and… how personal mindsets / behavioral approaches do or don’t get in our own way… in order to build the best life we deserve. These are things you too, dear BB fan, have full control over. If you jibe with my focus, right on! Consider becoming a Pro Subscriber. One key benefit: you’ll be able to read today’s roundup.
The latest Weekend Whats roundup is ready for the reading pleasure and expanded learning of my Pro Subscribers.
🔦 Here are the highlights:
How to live a long, awesome life
5 secrets from funded research
A Twitter thread asks a simple but sincere question, “Why are they desperate to get rid of eggs worldwide?” Great replies, plus three extra-credit eye-opening webpages.$5k Revenue Streams
7 content products Solopreneurs should consider launching in 2023.The best countries to live the Expat life
If you have the travel bug, scroll through this list to see the most desirable countries to immerse yourself in. Learn about the digital nomad visa program they offer.New Resource site
A handy, resourceful website that curates real-life examples of money-making online businesses and side-projects (and how much $$$ they make).New Resource Site
Spy equipment can be a shady and confusing market. Many sellers are unethical, too. This site, on the other hand, focuses on helping make sense of the spy industry, and helps you get the right solution to your problem.+ much more to enjoy...