The Loneliest Road in America

Sidenote: U.S. Route 50 is NOT the road that Forrest Gump made famous. Instead, that is U.S. Route 163 at Mile Marker 13, near the Arizona-Utah border, with the iconic Monument Valley as the backdrop. That is where Mr. Gump ends his cross-country run of over 15,000 miles.
It’s time again for another unscheduled Roundup of delicious goods — i.e., several resources, FYIs and generally valuable things to pass your way ahead of the weekend.
Let’s get to it…
🐻 Reminder: Inflation is Cumulative
Yesterday, Peter Schiff reminds us that, in spite of Tuesday’s s”zero % inflation report,” prices aren’t coming down. And the folks at Bowtied Bull explain, via a 3-part post, WHY that is in greater detail.
President Powell already gave up on bringing prices down to 2020 levels. The goal is to simply stop the rate of inflation. While you (the consumer) pay 25% more for everything (homes, cars, food etc.), their goal is to make sure you pay only 2% more *on top of* the 25%. There is no plan to bring prices down to 2020 levels.
+ How to Play It? Go straight to the answer here…
🐻 Happy Father’s Day Weekend
To all my fellow fathers, first and foremost, I salute you! If you epitomize strength, lead through honorable actions, and encourage your offspring to take healthy risks in life, and find their own sense of Self, then a toast to you… as well.
🐻 Unique Self-Defense Products I Like
We all like cool things; especially anything remotely akin to what 007 might have.
Via Amazon
Vetted Algo (Bot) Traders
The stock market is psychotic — overly-inflated, propped up by politics, and living on borrowed time. So, Brad and I continue to find, network with, and do due-diligence on seasoned traders; those who don’t really care about what is or isn’t legit with equities. All that matters, quite frankly, is price movement.
Earlier this year, Brad made personal contact with two FX traders who have shown consistent verifiable returns — about 10% per month with minimal drawdown — since November 2023. Trades are transparent (verified and audited).
We’re now working with them, as a team, to offer a PAMM account (i.e., attaches your own segregated individual account to their Master trading account) that can easily be funded, via stablecoins, through their chosen A-Book regulated broker. It’s 100% automated, offers weekly withdrawal of profits, and has a low minimum to get started. If you want another alternative investment vehicle to stick in your high-reward / higher-risk cashflow basket, message me for details and ‘Getting Started’ info.
🐻 Petrodollar Is Dead - Long Live BTC
In this video, Matthew Kratter, discusses the history of the petrodollar system, and how it was used after the ending of the gold standard to encourage demand for USD and US Treasuries.
But that old world is now ending, with countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China willing to trade directly in yuan, commodities, or manufactured goods, thus bypassing the need for US dollars.
As nation-states and their central banks hold fewer US Treasuries, the burden is shifted to the Fed to print money and buy them as the buyer of last resort. The world will never return to a gold or oil standard, but will instead embrace Bitcoin as the new global reserve asset.
+ Here’s Part 2 of Matthew’s take on how the US-Saudi petrodollar deal was not a legal agreement with an expiration date, but rather a global consensus that has been unraveling over the past few years, as nation-states begin to trade in crude oil using rupees, rubles, yuan, and gold as payment.
🐻 AI Tattoo Ideas
Have an idea for a tattoo but can't find the right design? This AI will generate tattoo ideas for you within seconds.
🐻 Mr. Birchum
Meet Mr. Birchum, a no-nonsense woodshop teacher at odds with his gamer son, snowflake students, and the school's JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) officer, Karponzi. Starring Adam Carolla, Megyn Kelly, Roseanne Barr, and more. Exclusively on DailyWire+. See the trailer here…
🐻 19 Lessons on Making Money
Cody Sanchez knocks it out of the park with 19 short platitudes, from 15+ years in finance and business.
Until next time…
Your Partner in the Quest for
Living a Life Without Limits,
Barry “Bear” Goss