Hey.com, $100M offers, the "woke" military + more
WEEKEND WHATS - Resource & Link Roundup
First, I have to apologize to all my Bulletin subscribers who received a 'Welcome Email' out of the blue.
I was dorking around with some settings in my email CRM... and... well, the damn thing spit out another auto-broadcast 'Welcome Email' to my horror.
Anyway, next time I won't hit the wrong button when I'm back there in the bowels of tech-land.
So, it seems pissing on the rich is back in vogue. Yet, like all things that "trigger" the very people feeling they have to defend the oppressed, double-standards are often also left for those with lesser virtues and morals.
Case in point...
A friend of mine riffed how AOC only exists because the average American citizen is so dumped-down that they know no better. Social Media info is their "junk food" for the brain.
For the irony, the hyppcrisy, around a well-paid politican on a SJW quest to villify corporations for doing something that is LEGAL, here's a few short video reactions you should enjoy:
Reaction 1 (6:21) | Reaction 2 (5:17)
For more on this quagmire of nonsense, check out the over 10,000 comments on this Biden post where he's bitching about his claim of the top 1% evading taxes.
Go for it; seriously dive into the comments to get a real gauge of how most Americans, including corporations, understand the difference between Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance. The former, yes, illegal. The latter, is our constitutional and patriotic duty.
History folks, history (ref: Boston Tea Party 1773)
🔒 If you’re one of my beloved Pro subscribers…. Let’s get into today’s roundup: