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WEEKEND WHATS - Resource & Link Roundup
Labor Day honors labor and does so by allowing those who labor to take a day off.
But, wouldn’t if be nice if you didn’t need a sanctioned U.S. government holiday to find a reason — an excuse — to relax and enjoy life how and when you want?
There is Ying and Yang in everything we do and every situation we are in. Striving long-term for a future (potential) payoff is, of course, what American culture is all about.
The other side of the coin is the person who practices gratefulness in the present moment... as much as possible, at least.
It reminds me of the story of the Mexican Fisher and the Banker.Â
I'll let you draw your own conclusions while reading it; however, a wonderment from Yours truly is this:
What if the experience of YOU is all that's truly alive and real?
Anything else, including the rat race, is a part of it; but ultimately nothing more (or less) than a bittersweet aspect of your own perspective based on your current limiting view.
Something to think about this weekend.
Alrighty then… let’s get into today’s roundup (for Pro Subscribers)