Thrive Before You Die; How To Share a Private Jet; Thematic Investing + much more!
A weekly resource & link roundup. Other highlights: A $5M bet that vaccines cause Autism; 31 overlooked lessons about money; the left's war on men; buying & selling AI prompts + more!
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The latest Weekend Whats roundup is ready for the reading pleasure and expanded learning of my Pro Subscribers.
🔦 Here are a few of the highlights:
How to Go Bankless
One of the most privacy-enabled crypto-to-fiat (vice versa) digital off/on ramps you’ll ever use.
Why you can’t fix stupid
Over 120+ comments about Budweiser losing $15.7 Billion (so far) and Target losing $10 Billion (so far).$500 a day drop-shipping on Facebook
Learn how to earn hundreds of dollars a day, selling stuff on Facebook you never even have to touch.How to invest in the next big idea
Unlock exposure to disruptive innovations like clean tech and artificial intelligence.Nuclear Fusion
Get the 15-minute Cliff Notes on this world-shattering breakthrough.Why men are becoming physically weaker
And the implications for future generations.6 ways to thrive NOW
Top recommendations to get the most out of this short life you have on planet earth.
+ much more to enjoy
✍️ Make Everyday Bill Payments and Off-ramp Crypto | Go Bankless!
For US residents only! (at this time). Very user-friendly and privacy-focused.
✍️ A Debt That Cannot Be Repaid
Remember Me!
✍️ The Superman Fallacy
Or, Why The Two-Party System Is Effing Up U.S. Democracy
Keep on reading… for the rest of this weekend’s issue.
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