Time Freedom: Tick...Tick... Tick...
A somber examination of Time and if it is really the ultimate form of wealth. Are we trying to exchange Money for Time, or Time for Money?
Why ‘Time Freedom’ May Not Be Your Biggest Payoff
“I used to be impressed by people who had a lot of money, but now I’m impressed by people who have a lot of free time. Time is the ultimate measure of wealth.”
– Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano
There’s so much that can be said, pontificated upon, in reference to Pomp’s quote about time and wealth.
But, damnit, I just don’t have (err, I mean desire to find) the Time to riff too long on it.
After all, I’m in America residing in a downtown city loft where I’ve got so, so, so many things I must, must DO. Must, must SEE. Must, must ACCOMPLISH.
F*ck, how will I fit it all in?
You see, here’s the rub I think; the immediate question for those who are under the heavy thumb of Time:
How do I wrestle it’s ass to the ground where I am in mastery of my 86,400 seconds each day?
On a remote island, an exotic place seemingly that many wish to go (especially since 2020), money is a moot point. Without goods or services to buy, sell and trade, money isn’t wealth.
As Tom Hanks’s character in Cast Away found out [favorite clip], Time then becomes less about whom to SEE, what to BUY or WATCH, or what to EXPERIENCE (to satiate our “pleasure chemical,” dopamine)…
Instead, Time becomes more about FINDING (water, food) and CONNECTING (to your-SELF).
Of course, as you’re reading this, you’re not stranded on a remote island yearning for social interaction. At the same time, having oodles and oodles of FREE TIME (sans the island stranding) does, upon first blush, sound like a romantic quest.
If everything is taken care of — including personal and family cash-flow and lifestyle needs — then would the world truly be your blank canvas?
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