The Velvet Divorce was the unofficial name given to the separation of Czechoslovakia into Slovakia and the Czech Republic that was successfully completed December 31, 1992. This name was earned because of the peaceful manner in which it was achieved. I believe the USA can achieve the same success and avoid civil war. Civil war leaves generations at each other's throats and a legacy of generational anger regardless of which group wins. Kinetic civil war in the USA must be avoided at all costs. It is time to move forward positively. There are two ideologies in the USA one is founded upon traditional American values and the other is founded upon Marxism. They are not compatible together. They are like oil and water; they simply do not mix and will always separate. It is overdue now for a peaceful Velvet Divorce in America.
Thank you for mentioning that, Mark. I, in passing, have heard of the Velvet Divorce. It seems folks across the pond, in Europe, suggest we should use it as a model for dealing with our own irreconcilable differences.
However, as large and diverse as the United States is, I wonder if the logistics and complexities of any breakup would be daunting and not directly comparable to the Czechoslovakian case?
When I reference the Velvet Divorce it is to encourage a positive resolution to the long-standing divide is feasible. The Velvet Divorce can be used as both a reference and model of success going forward.
American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America Paperback by Colin Woodard. He goes into much detail of even more divisions within the USA. So, while I agree with you that the USA is more complex, the Velvet Divorce for America is definitely possible and clearly historically demonstrated can be successful as well as peaceful. The entire world wants an end to the insanity all with our eyes can see and all with our ears can hear.
It would most likely be drawn up into states that want to collectively work together based upon their shared values. I listened to the head guy behind Texit and he said Texans would approve by 80% of voters based upon their polling. So, I will take his word he is speaking the truth as he stated many are simply disillusioned with Washington DC want nothing further to do with it.
I understand before this standoff with the Feds, that Texans were on schedule for this secession vote in less than 2 years, perhaps these criminal events orchestrated by the FEDS bring it forward sooner. If Texas goes, I can easily see more joining and wanting to become a block. Each is separate autonomous governments but unifies common practices for trade and mutual security. Sort of sounds like the founding of the USA doesn’t it? LOL so crazy! Anybody who understands the founding fathers knows the way the FED is today, was NEVER what they intended and why it must be peacefully ended. The states have the right to secede.
What you are achieving with succession is getting rid of the useless FED. At this point everybody knows they are abusive and not needed. Imagine states like Texas people could live free in them without being a tax slave anymore? Texas functions perfectly fine without income taxes as many jurisdictions across the world do. Texas already has one of the highest levels of income per household. Simply imagine if everybody kept the half the FED’s rob them of currently? Texas overnight could be 100% richer ever year. There would be so much wealth under this new system it would simply be amazing. The more you contemplate the USA version of the Velvet Divorce the better it sounds, doesn’t it? Of course, the communist/Marxism based states would not enjoy these benefits and would fall further behind those that lived in states like Texas, Florida etc. This is exactly why border patrol will be very important as people attempt to flee the decaying communist regime states.|
The core issue with the USA is the Federal Government is a parasite sucking the life out of everyone. While disjointed clowns push “One World Order” or global government by these terrorists. Yes, I will call them terrorists, because the definition is the following: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. What are these terrorists doing to the general population behind their endless crimes? Theft of properly, theft by taxation, theft by inflation, poisoning people with Chemtrails for decades, violating all 10 codes of the Nuremberg Code since 2020, and on and on…their crimes are endless impacting every area of our lives water, food, money and air. I leave with this question, how are they not committing crimes against the people?
Then these same terrorists that go and meet in Davos at what many refer to as a global terrorist organization called the WEF. Just weeks ago they finished up their plans and information like this is what they consider their number one problem. “Disinformation” & “Misinformation” is their number one agenda to stomp out because these terrorists are being exposed across the world so now they want to silence them just like they did the hundreds of thousands of doctors warning people against the Covid 19 KILL SHOTS that were silenced.
The founder of WEF Klaus Schwab admits to penetrating governments and installing his trained and loyalists to their agenda, this is TREASON and no other word is acceptable under the law for the actions taken against people not just in the USA but across the world. When they do come back from these meetings how they can terrorize the people they are supposed to protect as they are issued their centralized commands to implement them against the people of their countries. Did the people vote for these changes or policies such as 15 minute prison complexes they package up in their endless propaganda as 15 minute cities? NO! Did you agree or want to give up your Gas car as they tell you that you must as well as move to their new 15 minute concentration camps? NO! Do the people want these changes? NO! Do tens of thousands of real independent scientists across the world agree with these terrorists “green agenda” that is referred globally as fraud and acts of terrorism to collect global climate taxes. NO! Are the people hurt by the actions of these treasonous terrorists? YES!
We are being overtaken by terrorists who are causing society great harm throughout the world. They are also guilty of Treason across the world as they are attempting to overthrow the governments of the people covertly and I believe the states have figured it out. Some have plans for alternative money in the event of the collapse of the USA fiat monetary system run and owned by private parties, not the USA government as everybody knows now.
Many other countries across the world have figured it out as they reject the UN Agenda 2030, like Sweden recently did and many will join in Sweden’s rejection of these global acts of terrorism against people. Many countries rejecting the UN/WHO control to implement future lockdowns at will and demand people take their KILL SHOTS they murdered and maimed endless 10’s of millions with already as countries refuse to vote to give the UN/WHO this much power to circumvent country autonomy and sovereignty, these people are terrorists per the legal definition. People across the world and not just the USA have simply had enough of these terrorists and their acts of treason. While they push one world order just look at Washington or Brussels to witness what disgusting sewar pit they are and what a failure they are to represent the interests of the people they are to serve.
So in conclusion I see more governments being dissolved, more new smaller countries being formed and the people will be better served by local people who you know and can see and hold accountable versus politricksters thousands of miles away planning acts of terrorism against the public. So the people win as I predict as we have all had enough of this broken disgusting evil degenerate governments ruling over us with terrorist and treasonous actors at the command. All we have to all do is simply stop acquiescing our power by not complying anymore. Nobody must obey a criminal. I never did follow any of these criminal edicts, mandates, criminal acts of fraud, coercion or any criminal orders during the covid 19 plandemic crimes and if all of us did that all these crimes would eventually simply be resolved. Once we understand our collective power to simply not to comply their power is removed. Remember, what little power they have left is the power we the people grant them. Take it away and all their power is gone!
Yeah Texas will leave the Union and join the BRICS 😳
The Velvet Divorce was the unofficial name given to the separation of Czechoslovakia into Slovakia and the Czech Republic that was successfully completed December 31, 1992. This name was earned because of the peaceful manner in which it was achieved. I believe the USA can achieve the same success and avoid civil war. Civil war leaves generations at each other's throats and a legacy of generational anger regardless of which group wins. Kinetic civil war in the USA must be avoided at all costs. It is time to move forward positively. There are two ideologies in the USA one is founded upon traditional American values and the other is founded upon Marxism. They are not compatible together. They are like oil and water; they simply do not mix and will always separate. It is overdue now for a peaceful Velvet Divorce in America.
Thank you for mentioning that, Mark. I, in passing, have heard of the Velvet Divorce. It seems folks across the pond, in Europe, suggest we should use it as a model for dealing with our own irreconcilable differences.
However, as large and diverse as the United States is, I wonder if the logistics and complexities of any breakup would be daunting and not directly comparable to the Czechoslovakian case?
When I reference the Velvet Divorce it is to encourage a positive resolution to the long-standing divide is feasible. The Velvet Divorce can be used as both a reference and model of success going forward.
American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America Paperback by Colin Woodard. He goes into much detail of even more divisions within the USA. So, while I agree with you that the USA is more complex, the Velvet Divorce for America is definitely possible and clearly historically demonstrated can be successful as well as peaceful. The entire world wants an end to the insanity all with our eyes can see and all with our ears can hear.
It would most likely be drawn up into states that want to collectively work together based upon their shared values. I listened to the head guy behind Texit and he said Texans would approve by 80% of voters based upon their polling. So, I will take his word he is speaking the truth as he stated many are simply disillusioned with Washington DC want nothing further to do with it.
I understand before this standoff with the Feds, that Texans were on schedule for this secession vote in less than 2 years, perhaps these criminal events orchestrated by the FEDS bring it forward sooner. If Texas goes, I can easily see more joining and wanting to become a block. Each is separate autonomous governments but unifies common practices for trade and mutual security. Sort of sounds like the founding of the USA doesn’t it? LOL so crazy! Anybody who understands the founding fathers knows the way the FED is today, was NEVER what they intended and why it must be peacefully ended. The states have the right to secede.
What you are achieving with succession is getting rid of the useless FED. At this point everybody knows they are abusive and not needed. Imagine states like Texas people could live free in them without being a tax slave anymore? Texas functions perfectly fine without income taxes as many jurisdictions across the world do. Texas already has one of the highest levels of income per household. Simply imagine if everybody kept the half the FED’s rob them of currently? Texas overnight could be 100% richer ever year. There would be so much wealth under this new system it would simply be amazing. The more you contemplate the USA version of the Velvet Divorce the better it sounds, doesn’t it? Of course, the communist/Marxism based states would not enjoy these benefits and would fall further behind those that lived in states like Texas, Florida etc. This is exactly why border patrol will be very important as people attempt to flee the decaying communist regime states.|
The core issue with the USA is the Federal Government is a parasite sucking the life out of everyone. While disjointed clowns push “One World Order” or global government by these terrorists. Yes, I will call them terrorists, because the definition is the following: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. What are these terrorists doing to the general population behind their endless crimes? Theft of properly, theft by taxation, theft by inflation, poisoning people with Chemtrails for decades, violating all 10 codes of the Nuremberg Code since 2020, and on and on…their crimes are endless impacting every area of our lives water, food, money and air. I leave with this question, how are they not committing crimes against the people?
Then these same terrorists that go and meet in Davos at what many refer to as a global terrorist organization called the WEF. Just weeks ago they finished up their plans and information like this is what they consider their number one problem. “Disinformation” & “Misinformation” is their number one agenda to stomp out because these terrorists are being exposed across the world so now they want to silence them just like they did the hundreds of thousands of doctors warning people against the Covid 19 KILL SHOTS that were silenced.
The founder of WEF Klaus Schwab admits to penetrating governments and installing his trained and loyalists to their agenda, this is TREASON and no other word is acceptable under the law for the actions taken against people not just in the USA but across the world. When they do come back from these meetings how they can terrorize the people they are supposed to protect as they are issued their centralized commands to implement them against the people of their countries. Did the people vote for these changes or policies such as 15 minute prison complexes they package up in their endless propaganda as 15 minute cities? NO! Did you agree or want to give up your Gas car as they tell you that you must as well as move to their new 15 minute concentration camps? NO! Do the people want these changes? NO! Do tens of thousands of real independent scientists across the world agree with these terrorists “green agenda” that is referred globally as fraud and acts of terrorism to collect global climate taxes. NO! Are the people hurt by the actions of these treasonous terrorists? YES!
We are being overtaken by terrorists who are causing society great harm throughout the world. They are also guilty of Treason across the world as they are attempting to overthrow the governments of the people covertly and I believe the states have figured it out. Some have plans for alternative money in the event of the collapse of the USA fiat monetary system run and owned by private parties, not the USA government as everybody knows now.
Many other countries across the world have figured it out as they reject the UN Agenda 2030, like Sweden recently did and many will join in Sweden’s rejection of these global acts of terrorism against people. Many countries rejecting the UN/WHO control to implement future lockdowns at will and demand people take their KILL SHOTS they murdered and maimed endless 10’s of millions with already as countries refuse to vote to give the UN/WHO this much power to circumvent country autonomy and sovereignty, these people are terrorists per the legal definition. People across the world and not just the USA have simply had enough of these terrorists and their acts of treason. While they push one world order just look at Washington or Brussels to witness what disgusting sewar pit they are and what a failure they are to represent the interests of the people they are to serve.
So in conclusion I see more governments being dissolved, more new smaller countries being formed and the people will be better served by local people who you know and can see and hold accountable versus politricksters thousands of miles away planning acts of terrorism against the public. So the people win as I predict as we have all had enough of this broken disgusting evil degenerate governments ruling over us with terrorist and treasonous actors at the command. All we have to all do is simply stop acquiescing our power by not complying anymore. Nobody must obey a criminal. I never did follow any of these criminal edicts, mandates, criminal acts of fraud, coercion or any criminal orders during the covid 19 plandemic crimes and if all of us did that all these crimes would eventually simply be resolved. Once we understand our collective power to simply not to comply their power is removed. Remember, what little power they have left is the power we the people grant them. Take it away and all their power is gone!