The company "selling happiness..." as it bleeds cash. A barometer for today's something-for-nothing culture?
And... do you want to learn how to create automatic-income as doomed-for-failure companies show their true colors?
“It’s devastating to discover how much the prospect of free money and subsidized profitability causes truth to be buried.”
That’s Jeffrey A. Tucker, founder and president of the Brownstone Institute, speaking about what I will simply call the “Do-gooder Corporate Mindset!”
When C-Suites across the globe allow department heads to become ‘woke ideology police’, instead of focusing on the *mission-at-hand…
(* = I would think that would be to create, market and sell a value-driven, useful product / service for MONEY)
…fakery, illusion and vaporware must, then, be what they find valuable — but, mostly, only amongst themselves.
Jeffrey goes onto to give a prime example of a company who has really drank the lockdown Kool-Aid.
I briefly touched on this, with our M4 Research Rogue Money members, in 2019. But, as it applies to today’s socialist ethos, I’ll give you the run-down today:
There’s a guy (let’s call him a CEO) out of New York who paid himself a gnarly amount of compensation in 2018. $21 million to be precise. That’s more money than the CEOs of Ford, Home Depot, and Cisco (an ACTUAL tech company) to name a few.
The problem?
Well, John Foley (i.e., the guy) has had a company who likes to say it “sells happiness” while simultaneously losing nearly $200 million.
I bring this up because, again, it’s just another example of how the Sheeple can get sucked into glitz, glamour and the glory of coolness while… millions are lost.
Peloton (i.e., the company) certainly does appear cool as gold-flaked snot, as it sells high-end indoor exercise bikes dripping with all kinds of tech gadgetry. At $2,245 (indoor bike) and $4,295 (treadmill) each, it sells “happiness” to a high-end demographic who also will gladly shell out a $39/mo subscription “for streaming fitness classes, taught by super fit, probably good-looking instructors with Instagram-toned muscles.” [Robinhood]
Jeffrey points out that as today’s lazy-ass minds conditioned themselves to believe health is something you buy, instead of earn through new habits and modified behaviors, Peloton expanded dramatically as their stock price hit $167 at the height of lockdowns... only to fall all the way to $13 this week. PTON Summary from my friend Tim’s Slope of Hope.
I’m sure there’s no coincidence that Mr. Foley stepped down as CEO 2 weeks ago. Nah. Couldn’t be.
The takeaway?
There are all kinds of companies out there vying for investor's money... irrespective of the fundamentals, extreme valuations, or even rationality of their business model(s). As a smart speculator, you can't get sucked into the sizzle. You must stick to the steak.
Which bring me to…
🤔 A curiosity!
And, feel free to use the comments section… if you need to expand your answer above.