Looks like my readers, as history has shown, are few 'n far between when it comes to 'comment engagement' on my posts.

So, well shit, gonna have to just dump out my own thoughts, here, quickly.

It is becoming clearer and clearer to me, by the day, that what the hardened Democratic Party means, by 'save our democracy,' is this:

Please help us so 'We The People,' from the ground-up, led by a 'let's clean house POTUS / Commander-in-Chief, don't.. (in the words of Jeff Childers)...

"Pull the plug on the WEF, abolish the UN and the FED, turn out the lights at the Department of Education and the EPA, shear the CDC, NIH, and the IRS, leash the intelligence agencies, broker world peace, stop China, return the USA to the gold standard, make communism illegal again, and forever end the detestable practice of adding fruit to perfectly-good pizza." LOL (Conservatives use and understand humor).

I see it like this:

In a free country, the size of the administrative state should always be monitored and held in-check, at any given time.

Otherwise, we'll just end up with the "unhinged Marxist blob" (my phrasing) snubbing their noses at the boundaries that the Constitution has in play.

Authoritarian statists, as represented by top-down managed institutions across all industries and across all facets of government, has, well, become the status quo.

Time for a change at the helm of the ship called the USS America.

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Barry, for some reason in an attempt to answer your question, I am focused on "the election". Must be something I ate.

Whether one uses the term Democracy or Constitutional Republic, they both depend on a free, fair, honest election. We have none of those. We have plenty of evidence of election fraud; and a voting system which stupendously lacks election integrity by its very nature of using mail-in ballots and easily hack-able Dominion voting systems.

Back in June, Georgia Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger told a Federal Court, Georgia will not install security patches to the Dominion voting machines until after the 2024 election. He has known for two years the Dominion voting machines are vulnerable to hacking.

We are in a post-truth world. Other readers may better answer your question.

A case in point: https://x.com/i/web/status/1851376200444244449

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You are seeing the abhorrent 'do-whatever-it-takes-to-win' mindset out there; in spite of who is best qualified to be the POTUS / Commander-in-Chief (a responsibility you rarely see being talked about)... American can't be American without tightening the election process up.


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