My Grandson is a Senior in HS and is influenced by "Peeps Rules". He calls the Peeps Leaders: "OverLords"

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Agree. It begins at Home.

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Trevor, thot I'd add favored *rules to live by*.

Think globally - Act Locally.

The Circle of Concern v/s the Circle of Influence:

We all care about the world's problems, altho (without the money of Soros or Gates) we have little if any influence to change them.

The Circle of Influence is acting and helping locally, in our communities, where we Can make a difference and effect change. (Close to the quote, "All politics is local.")

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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I definitely hear what you're saying, Cotton.

At the same time, as I mentioned in the post, going BEYOND 'the family' -- where social norms, discipline, faith, loyalty, and a moral compass has to first be taught and should be enforced -- can be encouraged, but not forced elsewhere.

We all know that politics can be downstream from culture. It's the internal family culture that I am most worried about, across the board, in America. Once these values are taught and instilled in each family, house to house, we then actually might have a fighting chance here.

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