You lost me with that title and sentiment.....sadly. Pride day is about treating every human as equal because we are..... It's about being able to love who you love without judgement from anyone. Following the Agreement - (The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz) - if it ain't your business then keep your stinking mouth and head out of it, ie: mind your own business. But since gay people are bullied, hurt and murdered by fear-filled heterosexuals who just love to stick their heads into other peoples business, then yes we need to stand behind them and support Pride Day. For you to dis that shows that you aren't as evolved, smart and cool as you think you are.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Author

Thank you for your time and attention, Shannynl, to this post and the subtitle that triggered it for you.

In spite of your comments, however, just know that I will continue to, most likely, stay intentionally de-evolved. It keeps egos in check, and my own sense of entitlement at bay.

And, yes, I will always honor D-Day over Pride Day. As it is the former that allows the latter. Be sure not to let your self-imposed "love and light" to get in the way of that fact.

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One doesn't negate the other Barry. This is Pride month. Yes my grandfather and his brother were in that war. Infact my grandfathers brother was taken prisoner and was tortured for about a year before released. He never recovered, sadly. Was angry and mean the rest of his life. I have respect for the people and their loved ones who were involved. Not so much for the ones who make the choice to start a war.

It seems that not respecting Pride is the opposite of keeping egos in check. It is letting a mentality of fear and not enough rule the ego and life. You are entitled to life a life of love and respect just like everyone else. We are here to be happy, joyous and to have fun. Being afraid that a gay person is going to infect you or affect your freedom....is not living to your potential.

We live in a universe full of more abundance than we can imagine. Meaning there is enough for everyone. Believe it, see it.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Barry "Bear" Goss

In 1998 my brother and I had wonderful encounters with mostly gay men who had a common interest in art and architecture in Houston, Texas. There were a few women which I assumed were lesbian. LG (lesbian, gay). These were adults in their 50's +/-. There were no pronouns. Just people who were gay. No big deal; no month long pride needed to respect them as people based on the content of their character.

Now we have a month long autism awareness and a month long LGBTQ2S dedicated to the pride of this group. Its no secret that those who are autistic are found to suffer gender dysphoria and as they try to find the right social skills in complex social interactions they become prey to those who suggest, "maybe you really are in the wrong body."

My dad fought in the Pacific dodging torpedoes; my mom landed in Normandy D-day +38. There is "one day" to honor their role, to memorialize their contribution. Both my parents rarely spoke of their war experience. They did their service to this country and mankind--unselfishly, no pride what-so-ever.

Contrast to this Pride month by militants who do not come close to LGs I met in 1998, my friends. Today, they demand the right pronoun or its hate speech and they need a whole month, to drive that wedge into the social fabric of our country. They want bills in the legislature to go after children experiencing gender dysphoria, many on the autism spectrum to mutilate their bodies surgically or chemically behind parents backs. Some think men can have babies and if you deny that fact, its hate speech.

No, there something wrong with this LGBTQ2S today and have little in common with them.

My two cents.

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I understand your frustrations, Michael.

The twisted notion that those, like myself (and you) — who believe in protecting traditional values, and time-honored morals and courageous actions 'beyond the Self' — are off base in our expressed disdain of any group who feels they deserve special treatment… well, yeah, it's twisted.

This on-the-fringe sect, LGBTQ+, isn't any more special or entitled than the so-called “rights” of the rest of us (the majority).

And, with this minority LOUD crowd, I've seen more gaslighting, manipulation and coercive tactics coming from them, than I care to count!

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Barry "Bear" Goss


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