Jul 20Liked by Barry "Bear" Goss

Hey Bear, I appreciate this article and the several I've read since I found your 'stack this morning.

My go-to July 4th reading is Larken Rose's "You're Not the Boss of Me!" (https://larkenrose.com/tmds-blog/1894-youre-not-the-boss-of-me.html) which explains why almost all current July 4th celebrations are misguided and completely missing the point.

I detest hearing the America First mindset and about "constitutional rights". The rights alluded to do not come from the constitution, they are Natural Law rights that are inherently possessed by every capable human adult, not just americans.

The U.S. at this point is becoming just another tax farm, where sociopathic rulers extract as much wealth as they can from all the people within defined geographic borders.

We would do well to work to protect Natural Law rights of all people everywhere, not just in the US, and starting locally within each of our own communities of friends and acquaintances.

Again, I appreciate your writing and I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of the links above as well as more of your writing here.

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And I, likewise, appreciate your comments here. I sympathize and understand with what you're saying, too

Indeed, while many can't untangle themselves from the extreme of "constitutional rights to the very end," some of us do understand why these so-called "rights" are actually god-given.

By the very fact that our nation's founders had to write this letter...

Dear King George,

You're not the boss of us!


A Bunch of Troublemakers"

... Their impetus for it was probably, without too much debate, an intuitive understanding of such -- i.e, that you Dear George aren't our God... And telling you so, 3000 miles away from you in your army, makes it oh so so much easier to tell you that. 😏

I will definitely read Larken's entire blog post this weekend.

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