May 27, 2023Liked by Barry "Bear" Goss

As the child of a Korean combat vet, and grandson of a D-Day vet I thank you very much for your post today. I also salute all of our veterans dead and alive and honor their legacy.

With that said, I think many don't realize we are at war now but mostly without overt violence for the hearts and minds of our young & not so young in the West.

It would be wise to a SunTzu said to know your enemy. There are great lessons we can gain if study & replicate the communication and social psych strategies of "the Woke" strategist, propagandists & minions.

They have effectively labored it seems for many years, somewhat unobstructed, to slowly, step by step, sink their tentacles into the hearts & minds of many good people I know in the USA and beyond. The average person in my experience in 30+ countries, is more often than not, good & basically honest. Many honest people don't get that very smart, very evil people exist who use any layers of cleverly constructed deceit.

I am sure you Barry and most hear have long known, the Woke elite will sell & condition minds and algorithms to promote the apparent virtue of their cooked-up causes to distract, divide, & conquer, while they the Woke elite gain more power & influence. But many average people who still get allow hours of "corporate news/ psy op info into their minds, do not, nor can they conceive of it.

Ex: "hurry, be a "good citizen", just take this new shot (medical experimental medical treatment & lucrative corporate biz) and post on social media to "stop the spread"(promoting corporate power and greed) or else you are a selfish anti-social, xenophobic SOB / grandma killer"

Time to take my son to soccer & hit the gym!

Carpe diem from an American in sunny Iberia,

Dan O'Beirne - Magical Spain & Portugal

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May 27, 2023·edited May 27, 2023Author

A big bear hug 🤗, or fist bump 👊 if you prefer, for prioritizing family and community experiences… over… getting sucked into the "matrix of divide 'n conquer' ideologies". This world, truly, needs more human souls like you… to keep sanity and practicality a virtue, not a vice.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023Liked by Barry "Bear" Goss

Thanks for your kind words Barry, likewise and MUCHAS GRACIAS, I appreciate you & your community here.... Big bear hugs are indisputably better for mind & body.

IME, it's lack of human contact and connection demoralizes people a.k.a lockdowns + close the parks & gyms.... This lowers immune function & emotional balance. Maybe that's why anxiety & depression are at all time highs in many places. Time for a BBQ of Iberian free ranged acorn-fed pork, carne iberico with some good vino & amigos!

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