10 Years Away
A poignant piece of inspiration from a wise, old philosopher named Matthew McConaughey
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If you’ve been reading my stuff consistently, like fellow BB subscriber Jabob Berezhinskiy (“Keep up the good work, I enjoy your style of writing, read almost every email that comes out! “)…
Then, you know something a bit weird about me:
Besides the fact that I just can’t seem to find a way to loathe Tom Cruise (yet I try – ref link), I also will admit to having a slight bromance for Matthew McConaughey.
Whether it is his Texas home-spun authenticity, or just his knack of adding heart to his speeches (tied to a natural introspective energy about him), I can easily FEEL what he’s saying.
Especially when he’s passing along leveraged wisdom to younger generations.
Just what the hell is that?, you ask?
It’s raw insight, real-world observation of human nature. It’s shared in a way that no matter how old you are… you just will have an epiphany or two.
Maybe it’s that you haven’t done a good enough job at simplifying things for yourself; maybe it’s an ‘ah-ha’ moment of ‘Oh, no shit. I needed to be reminded of that. I know that’s right, but I haven’t been living it.’
That’s really the rub… on passed down folk-wisdom and timeless truisms, like what you’ll hear below.
It keeps you in-check. It ups your game. Not only that, but it helps you see where you’re not being congruent.
‘Cause, truly Sparky, if you’re not living the Principles that you know will enhance your life, does knowing about them really matter?
I’ll let you decide AFTER watching this Oscars’ acceptance speech from 2014:
If the above short “speech” is too Hollywood for you, then I highly recommend McConaughey’s ‘Don’t Leave Crumbs….’ spiel.
Until this Sunday, when I release a new edition of Weekend Whats.
Your Partner in the Quest for
Living a Life Without Limits,
Barry “Bear” Goss