7 Sneaky Ways To Stick It to The Man
How to fight "the good fight" so you're not just going through the motions to earn a living; but instead, designing an enriching, fulfilling LIFE... on purpose!
"Do you know how people with hoards of money get to have those hoards of money?
”They make some money, and then they don’t spend it all. They keep some each time it comes in, and they use it to make more come in next time. That’s how power is accumulated."Instead of accumulating power, most of my employees accumulate objects in their homes, or they just burn the money as it comes in, on booze and expensive sandwiches.
"What I see is people setting up their lives such that they become dependent on powerful people like me, which is exactly the opposite of how one ought to build wealth. That’s why I’m The Man and they work for The Man." ~ The Man
Ever felt uncontrollably held-back?
Ever thought, Why do I feel like I’m on a constant hamster wheel? You appear to be moving forward (the illusion), but really you’re just stuck in the same actuality of stagnation and gridlock.
Sometimes, I too, wonder if there’s some diabolical invisible ‘dark side’ force constraining me from deeper achievement, grander experiences, and Jedi mastery of my innate power.
In today's fast-paced and accomplishment-driven society, can we really fight the good fight against the nefarious social constructs designed to distract us?
“From what?,” you ask.
How bout this:
From getting past our own Monkey-See-Monkey-Do blocks; our own lemming-mentality that causes us to mold ourselves, like an adrift amoeba, into whatever mediocrity the majority is falling into.
The Establishment — comprised of factions of authoritarian groups and regulation-loving hives of mind-numbed robot followers (not individual thinkers) — is everywhere. From the educational system to big pharma to the mega-media complex…
...it’s an intricate tapestry of rules, privileges (not “rights”) and meddling that is NOT working FOR your best interest...especially if you’re not part of it.
That subversive bankster and bureaucratic club that is becoming harder and harder to defy if you’re a sovereign-minded, entrepreneurial-driven person who understands the immense value of self-interest FIRST (more on that here…).
Nobody really knows for certain who owns and directs this omnipotent Club.
Yeah, yeah… okay, sure, we’ve seen the political thriller movies, watched the X-Files series, and even heard Alex Jones (once or twice). But, for the sake of argument, let’s just be real:
It might be fun to throw out a few family last names that start with ‘R.’ Or, it might be entertaining to read the lore of freemasonry...but, we just have to give the grand puppet master a code name; an urban street name.
One we all know as The Man.
The Man is hard to pin down. He (it) is omnipresent, clandestine... always lurking in the background with one sole objective:
To zap your power like an energy-sucking Vampire.
Sometimes The Man can be a cunning little psychopath. He can pretend to be helpful, to guide you, to offer-up a gesture. Such as a bit of honesty about what he sees in his flock of minions (such as the revelation at the very top of this post).
But, when push comes to shove, The Man ultimately wants as many Sheeple as possible to join his Club of worker bees. The Man wants you to live like Jim Carrey’s character in The Truman Show — through controlled routine.
Be on his schedule, get up and clock-in. On his schedule, leave and have just enough energy left to participate in the Electronic Income Reducer (i.e., the "T.V." screen).
Or, as comedian and social critic George Carlin once put it:
"They [The Man] don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical-thinking. They (The Man) wants obedient workers who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it."
So, never being the one to fall into the trap of Victimitis — that mentally-defenseless place where we wither into the helpless belief that life happens TO us — what do we DO about The Man?
How do we reacquaint ourselves to our own Jedi mastery?
So we can use it to…. (in the words of Mark Joyner, of Simpleology fame)...
Finally, create that (book, album, product, whatever)
Take off the shackles of debt (and finally know true freedom)
Launch the next (revolution, startup, non-profit)
Do pretty much any-damn-thing you want
Well, in 2013, one guy — a Winnipeg-based entrepreneur named David Cain — started by simply having an open Q&A session with The Man. David and The Man discuss income, jobs, debt, the life of a worker under his command. Even rock music.
Maybe, you don’t need to go so far to have such an intimate dialogue with your own caricatured version of The Man that might be holding you back.
But, without question, I still will highly encourage you to consider the following 7 methods and approaches:
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