The Karentocracy wants to protect you from Toxic Whiteness!
Plus, the white college Dean with the 'End White Supremacy' sign!
➡️ FIRST, let’s set the stage for the inspiration (click to watch—only .30 seconds)
That's right… Your ears and eyes didn't deceive you.
The video clip above is not some twisted SNL skit. It, instead, is political reality in the U.S.A. — via the current unelected (ahem, crookedly-appointed) POTUS, who truly knows how to ignite harmony and inspire racial unity.
(Did you sense my facetious tongue, after reading that?)
➡️ SECOND, let’s dive into the psychosis
“Whiteness” has become an obsession, a pervasive imaginative Boogeyman, for the small-minded socially awkward collective.
Under the mask of their unjustifiable redemption, for the ills of our forefathers, is a scapegoat for self-assessment and self-responsibility. Really, when you boil it down to its bare knuckles, it's nothing more or less than that.
These type of souls just plain loathe themselves. Like a heroin addict on a binge, they need their own sugary goodness in the form of self-righteousness.
We all have heard their rallying call from afar. We've seen their finger-wagging drivel on social media:
“Atone for your Caucasian sins; your white-as-a-dove racial atrocities!”
“Your character is whiter than a hound dog's tooth. You’re causing pain for those who aren’t!”
Even more pathetic, here’s a sentence from a course Tom Woods (ref) saw online for sale:
“Remove your ingrained racism for $297…”
I'm not sure about you, but to me the craziest part of all this is that the ones ‘crying wolf’ are, oddly enough, not people of color, but rather fanatical… ahem… WHITE people (mostly women) bitching about Whiteness.
Seriously, if you stepped onto this planet as an alien, seeing that… would you really want to stay?
Look at this second video; here are a few of the fanatics trying to tell an intelligent and well-adjusted black woman just how repressed she is because of all the collective whiteness around her:
Candace Owens, by the way, in the above hearing… went onto to say:
“The only things actually harming black America are #1) Father absences and #2) the education system and the illiteracy rate. White supremacy and white nationalism, if I had to make a list of 100 things, would not be on it!”
➡️ LASTLY, let’s get into the Dean from one of my local colleges
One of the main reasons I’m writing this post is because I’ve had a real close second-hand experience with one of these self-appointed anti-white scholars.
Just last month, here locally, a very, very close friend of mine was on another one of the college’s pointless Zoom meetings. You know the type; those which are all about ‘activity’ to justify the job, versus productivity.
Well, it turns out that one of her colleagues took a picture of one participant, noticing the sign before my friend, and simply asked herself, “WTF?”
Rightfully so, my friend’s colleague (brown, by the way), new to the college, told / asked my friend (a seasoned college administrator), “I didn’t think I signed up to support any of my fellow Dean’s endorsing BS critical race theory. What should I do to complain about this?”
My friend made some quick calls. After a few dismissive conversations (i.e., “what’s the problem with the sign?”), she got this initial reply from the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (read: the office where all abnormalities, ills & ailments shall be honored):
(Excerpted for privacy):
“While that statement alone would not be considered political speech (in the same way that “end poverty” wouldn’t, for example), we understand that folks will naturally have different perspectives on equity issues, and we appreciate that.”
Eh, okaaaaaaay! (thinking face 🤔)
And naturally, Dear Diversity Guru, spin-doctoring is a beautiful thing when you’re paid to… well… spin it up. WTF do you mean an “End White Supremacy” sign isn’t political speech. Your f*cking Commander-in-Geritol (I mean Chief) has sanctioned it as such.
So, in lieu of just sending her back this image (it was my first choice)….
My friend simply decided to send out an All Points style email to those up the chain.
She asked my thoughts on lingo, language, and tone. Ut-oh. Really? Me? Mr. Bear, you lean on to be delicate and discerning in such matters?
Well, I gave it my best shot.
Below is the first draft of the letter, created as if I’m her, to send up the college chain-of-Karens.
A hat-tip to Yuri’s “How To Subvert Subversion” Substack for this definition: 👏
Karen: “A woman who gets aroused by power tripping. She revels in following fascist mandates and harassing others to do the same because she is miserable and wants everyone else to be the same. Usually overweight, white, and childless with tattoos, piercings, and colored hair. Masks and injections give her meaning in life. Keeps cats and minorities as pets, but hates them if they stray from her ideological litter box.”
(ideas, thoughts, comments… About my letter below…?)
📨 Proposed email
To Whom Concerned,
Even though, up until this point, I've been mostly the “middleman” messenger on this odd disuniting topic...
I'm now going to go ahead and give you (and others cc'd on this email) some straightforward perspective.
After all, with nearly 20 years of experience here at___ (unnamed college), it befuddles me that there is this “vibe” that an 'End White Supremacy' sign isn't such a big deal and/or probably, implied, is something that should be supported.
In a leadership capacity, I've been over the purview of a multi-faceted diverse group of students, instructors and mostly student workers (varied from Korean, Chinese, name it).
And I can promise you, without hesitation, that not even 1% of them would try and argue for the purported message in that sign (i.e., that somehow they feel inferior to people who are of white origin or Caucasian).
The irony here is is that the message in that sign — a sign by the way on the wall of a Dean not just a typical “staff” member — is the furthest from promoting any type of inclusivity or diversity.
Matter of fact, the idea that anybody (much less a Dean) at this college is allowed to target an ethnic group with an holier than thou collective accusation (i.e., of being privileged or supreme)... There is absolutely nothing more that could create racial division... Than that!
Actually it's reprehensible.
I'm all about freedom of expression. However, at my position at the college, that level of expression is a virtue.. and comes with responsibility to ensure that we are here to inspire and unite.
For instance, if I was out to look for trouble, my moral and social compass would cajole me to post a sign like 'White Lives Matter' or 'End Black entitlement.'
Yet, my rational / critically responsible thinking brain would stop me by going, “oh.. hey wait.. you really think it's your duty and responsibility here to push that boat? Wouldn't that freedom of expression cause division and discord?”
So, my tag off here is this:
There is a percentage of___ staff (verifiable) that want this issue taken care of...and taken care of immediately.
The only thing that needs to end is the morbid belief that this is an okay philosophy for a Dean to passively promote behind her head during a zoom call.
🎗️ REMEMBER, my Bear Lair fans….
The indoctrinated white Karentocracy, grooming kids inside the university social justice complex, are hardcore with their anti-white quest.
Like the lady [who] doth protest too much, they embrace the very things they speaketh out against. They ARE the epitome of projecting out what they are unable to deal within.
What say you?
Does my proposed email need edits? Additions? More context?
Have you had experiences with these fanatics?