Meme Day… And… Where Your Focus Is
Questions and how-to inquiries… about creating value, online business income and wealth-building.
Those type of questions (see subtitle above), more than ever lately, have been the nature of the replies from your fellow BB readers.
(I’ll elaborate in a minute)
Due to some implementation priorities, tied to how the structure of my Bear’s Bulletin (BB) will be presented soon, I am still on hiatus with a new release of my routine, and fun-to-curate Weekend Whats roundup (archives).
So, let me lead off with a meme today, then a reminder about something:
No, the above gray-haired distinguished-looking gentleman is not me.
(Did you have any doubts?)
Who he is, however, is a stand-in character for all of us who just love getting distracted by hot-off-the-press “shocking” and “controversial” news.
I covered why… and… some pointers here.
For those of my dear attention-span-deficit readers who won’t click and read something riveting (okay, I’m biased and overexaggerated there), the TL;DR is…
More likely than not, you have no business stewed in the current state of affairs ‘out there‘. Playing armchair quarterback on geopolitical politics may even cause you to lose money.
Oh, right, speaking of that:
In a day and age where younger generations, or when lazy-ass minds across the age spectrum, think it’s a fabulous idea for bureaucracy to have more power and control over individual lives…
Where do you think your focus should be?
Well, to me, it should be here:
– Learning and developing self-sustainable skills (social skills, relationship, skills, survival skills, etc.)
– Implementing financial protection and privacy in your digital life.
– Increasing your income-producing assets (this area can encompass a lot; however, me and my team’s focus is on automation and passive cashflow).
– Networking and having experts in your pocket to help you structure a ‘life by design,’ not one you have to adapt to… on the fly.
All those items-of-focus I will help you with here, over time, via my bulletins.
Currently, I’m creating the next email in my Crypto Resources Series (M4 Insider Rogue Money Insider members only).
I have found a very easy-to-understand and act-on method to protect your digital 1’s and 0’s while growing them at handsome APY percentages.
It’s a cutting-edge application in the evolution of DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology). And it’s probably still the best-kept secret in the world of DeFi (decentralized finance).
If you are a M4 Insider member, more to come on that.
But, for today…
If you didn’t take my prompt last Sunday to watch something positive, something nostalgic…
Then be sure to watch and listen to the 80s pop culture special (embedded below or here…) from the creative minds at the Vintage Tribute channel.
If your coming-of-age years were, like mine, in the 80s — or, if you’re just fascinated by the music, movies, sports, world events and fashion trends of that era — you’ll absolutely be amazed by this well-done hour-long montage. It is an inspiring tribute to what many call the most influential era of all time.
Until I write again…