This first originally appeared via the April 2016 M4 Insider member Journal. For the status of the orginial alternative wealth-building community, click here…
I have a confession to make!
There are a lot of heroes in my life that I lean on — for private guidance, for gaining unique tips & wisdom beyond my scope of understanding… for a chance to stretch my limits.
These ‘confidants of coolness’ inspire me to be more, do more… to be and do better!
Yet, here’s the rub (maybe an even shocking revelation to you):
Many of these heroes I’ve never even met IRL; not even spoken to.
Yup, you read that right.
Outside the M4i Brain Trust (the collection of full-time professional traders, seasoned investors, money managers, and market analysts we’ve stayed in constant contact with over the years)…
I have a personal network of lots and lots of so-called ‘Hidden Heroes.’
You know what I’m saying, right?
Don’t you, too, have an arms-length relationship with the movers, shakers, rainmakers of the world — i.e., business people, authors, coaches, leaders, motivators, et al. — who don’t even know you admire them from afar?
Well, if you’re not following, reading from, or at least stalking the minds (eh, kidding) of the brave, committed souls in the world who are affecting change… how dare you! ;)
Actually, I truly do take that back.
I’m not writing today to sell you on WHY you, your family, your friends, your dog, or anybody else for that matter NEEDS a few HIDDEN HEROES in your life.
Noooope, that takes too much work and greases up my soap-box to sometimes unbearable levels. And, plus, there’s a song out there that has these words:
“Everybody’s searching for a hero.”
So, I’m just going to go with that mass conscious validation and be done with it already. :)
Okay, so all that is to lead into the revealing of one of my NEW ‘hidden heroes:’
Mr. CD-Baby himself, Derek Sivers.
That’s right… This quirky, affable, funny guy started an online music distribution business nearly by accident.
A professional musician (and, circus clown) since 1987, Derek created a way in 1998 (out of personal need) to sell his own CD on his own website.
It was simple, but effective.
And soon, friends, family, and associates asked if he’d help them, too.
He did!
From a lot of adapt / learn / tweak-as-you-go execution, CD Baby went on to become the largest seller of independent music on the web, with over $100M in sales for over 150,000 musician clients.
In 2008, with a desire to focus his efforts elsewhere, Derek sold CD Baby to DiscMakers for $22 million.
Tim Ferris (of The 4-Work Week fame) calls him a ‘philosopher-king programmer, master teacher, and merry prankster.’
I simply call him my ‘Hidden LIFEPRENEUR Hero.’
Meaning, the dude just gets human nature, lifestyle design, and what ultimately our experiences on this planet are (or, should be) about.
I won’t edify those attributes FOR him (you can gauge for yourself via his short articles), but I would like to point out this video:
I just happened to have come across that little diatribe of thought by Derek, above, a few days AFTER I heard this conversation recently at a restaurant:
[ Dude #1, speaking loudly ]: “I can’t do that — it’s not part of my background.. I wasn’t educated for going into a business I know nothing about.”
[ Dude #2, speaking calmly ]: “Yeaahh, but check it: check yourself, that is. You’ve got the hard desire for putting this out into the world. It’s you, all you, brutha!”
[ Dude #1, agitated ]: “Ahhh huhhh…. well, what if I don’t get any traction in the time I need for the money to come when I need it. I don’t want to fail at my first try at this.”
[ Dude #2, fading off ]: “Want another beer. You’re right… screw it. Ain’t worth the hassle of trying anyway.”
[ Me, shaking my head.. thinking to myself ]: “What da sh!t was that?”
Or, just wondering, I suppose, why I tuned into something I had no context of; no real concern to wonder about… beyond this:
Over the years, I’ve heard many people — whether in direct conversation with me, or just around me like Dude #1 & #2 above — mind-F*@K themselves out of experiencing new, different, possibly incredibly-valuable things.
Whether a business pursuit that could take off, a unique relationship that can blossom, or a hobby that could turn into a profession… it’s always easy to go with the Herd and just sit, eat grass, and chew the cud.
Quite frankly, I’m sick of this mindset.
I’ve failed in more ways than I care to count… personally AND professionally.
Yet, in the end, I’ve learned a few things along the way — especially as it relates to getting from where I may suck at the moment… to where I want to be REMARKABLE.
I think I’ve narrowed it down to a few key approaches, of mindset execution if you will.
I outlined them recently via a post sub-titled The Purple Cow's Secret To Accomplishment.
But, since this email / post isn’t about me, but rather my new Hero Derek, let me just wrap this up by compelling you to learn from him.
Scour his site.
Read the articles, listen to his interviews.
Watch his talks online.
Just go to YouTube and search his name.
In the video above (the one embedded on this email / post above), he is basically advocating for the Dude #1’s of the world.
The guy (or, gal) who isn’t quite confident he (or, she) has everything in place… or, has the right skills, connection, financing, etc. to go start a business.
The moral?
Like Derek, I also know from experience (not just believe) all that is extraneous stuff.
If you have passion, a hot burning desire, the gumption to fulfill your dreams… then, please, go get your story out there.
Life’s short.
Don’t wait for the multi-million dollar break you need to produce that movie, write that book, create that product.
Ideas, of course, are a dime a dozen.
So, only pursue the ones that make you say, “Hell Yeah!.”
Execute on it; focus on its movement to reality; stay with the idea of adapting as you move forward with it.
The world will beat a path to your door if they feel the same resolve you have for something.
Whether a physical product, a story (book movie, play), or a new twist on an existing digital app; it doesn’t matter really.
What does is your choice to be brave, be steadfast and, as Derek would say, “expand your comfort zone daily!”
Until next time !