Everyone is talking about Woody! Who Cares...
The "redneck hippy" dropped a red pill on the NYC audience. And?
I’ve never quite understood the fascination of analyzing what comes out of a celebrity’s mouth…
Look, let’s get something super-clear:
While Woody Harrelson is an actor (yes, emphasis on actor) who I absolutely adore…
To have entire social media threads dedicated to nitpicking, dissecting, and postulating on his SNL monologue…
That’s just a pure waste of precious time!
Great, the self-described “redneck hippy” (haha) dropped a red pill truth bomb at the end of his 6-minute monologue.
- Yes, the New York City audience was deathly silent!
- Yes, it shows even people in “Hollywierd” are possibly awakening to the sham played upon the entire world, starting in March 2020 (officially anyway; we’ve been at war with the borg for decades upon decades).
- Yes, the liberal mockingbird puppet heads will be all over Woody calling him, in textbook fashion, a “conspiracy theorist” — or some shit like that.
Okay… sooooooo, now what?
This well-liked actor — one who identifies as being all kinds of things (even a “Marxist” — oh, bless is brain) — let millions hear his facetious take on lockdown-1984 (disclaimer: that’s my own-borrowed phraseology).
Does it make the facts-at-hand — which are unexplained deaths everywhere — any more credible?
My short Monday morning riff is, I suppose, as golly-gee homespun as Woody’s were.
I say, as always, Self-examination, Self-reliance, Self-understanding, Self-accountability…. First and foremost!
Focus on sovereignty and sustainability tactics for the family.
Keep learning, keep searching, keep diving into tools, resources and ideas that can take you places you otherwise may not go…. Without that type of focus.
In that regard, here’s my latest round-up… from yesterday’s Weekend Whats:
Oh, and yes, about that Monologue ;)