Three new link Roundups (archived) + why Brad got into bot-trading
The time-leverage and hands-free automation around this is quite astonishing.
A few FYI’s today for my Bear cub community:
You probably noticed there wasn’t a new Weekend Whats edition yesterday.
That is (mostly) because I’m now fast underway in transitioning publishing processes from the old alternative wealth-building brand (M4 Research)… to… the… well… brand spankin’ new one (Rogue Money Research).
Stay tuned for that!
The forthcoming new content format, and endorsed programs organizational flow, is going to be super valuable for everyone.
Getting back to my weekly hand-picked link-roundups, I did manage to add three (3) more archived editions to this ever-growing Substack.
Here are the links to the newly-added editions:
IMPORTANT: To ensure you’re receiving notices, whenever a new Weekend Whats edition is published, turn on the green toggle HERE, next to the Weekend Whats listing.
Next, if you’ve ever wondered WHY my longtime business partner and friend has been locked-in, like a focused laser beam, to the machination of automated forex trading…
Then, be sure to read his short explanation here:
by Brad Weinman
I’ve been happily “unemployed” since 1993.
No job.
No time constraints or places I have to “be” at.
No needy boss to answer to.
No “quotas” or deadlines to meet.
No commute.
No annoying co-workers.
I’m able to make a great living online.
My wife and I live in a beautiful historic neighborhood in a suburb of LA.
Not only that, but…
We have plenty of free time.
And we get to travel whenever we want.
It hasn’t been all roses and butterflies.
Because being a business owner can be super stressful sometimes (I’ve got plenty of gray hair to prove it!).
You’ve gotta deal with things like:
Building sales funnels
Social media
Customer service
And all the other stuff that goes along with running an online business.
During slow periods, it can feel like you’re wading through quicksand just to keep the lights on.
For years, I searched for an automated solution to this cash-flow crunch.
After a lot of late nights, early mornings and a boatload of trial and error…
I finally discovered the solution in the form of automated trading bots (aka, Expert Advisors).
And everything changed for me.
Fast-forward to today…
The knot I used to feel in the pit of my stomach is gone.
But more importantly, it has given me a peace of mind I haven’t had in years.
And I want the same for you.
Having an automated system that generates passive income for you without working is the single most valuable asset you can own.
It’s no wonder that Hedgehog Pro has become a Top Pick for complete newbies, as making money with this system is EASIER than ever.
The demand for this system is skyrocketing.
Currently, for a limited time, I am offering a massive 40% discount on lifetime licenses of my Hedgehog Pro automated trading bot.
This is the same exact bot I use to trade the FX Alpha PAMM, which has a current gain/ ROI of +53% (since August ‘22).
A major benefit to owning a Lifetime Hedgehog Pro license is there are no performance fees, which means you get to keep 100% of the profits!
For more info, simply read my detailed info page…
Thanks and talk soon,
Back to Yours truly, the master grizzly:
Until I grace you with my next bulletin, here’s a Vonnegut quote… where he’s quoting others. This should put a grin on your face:
“To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Sartre
Do Be Do Be Do - Sinatra”
― Kurt Vonnegut