A Timeless View on Being (and staying) Accomplished, Smart, and Prosperous!
Alex Becker says if you're feeling lost/directionless — especially in terms of success — it's because you're not fixing / optimizing these three (3) things:
CAUTION ⚠️—If you’re over 35 years young, don’t let the content of this post fool you!
Accepting the fundamentals of what’s being shared here, irrespective of age, can change your life for the better… and permanently too.
Dare I challenge you to actually read, not skip through, this email / post!
There is not a day which goes by….
Without me wondering what valuable insights I can pass along and curate here, inside the Den of Bear’s Bulletins.
My anti-goal is fleeting dribble about the latest thing going on ‘out there’ in the world. My goal, however, is timeless simple truths you can take to the bank ‘in there’ inside your own head!
But, I do believe I’ve already covered those expectations HERE. So, I won’t rehash my focus here, other than to remind you what I wrote HERE in an article about getting far too deep into the analysis of the Self:
Often we humans — who are about as needy for “self-approval” and “acceptance” as dung beetles are needy for… well… dung — just don’t want to hear about what is really happening [closely] to us or around us. We’d rather be externally juiced-up about our life than work hard internally for a foundation that is “set.”
In other words…
Even if you, or a mentored male in your life, are not DOING the 10
”broke” things I listed in this post (which is a good thing)….
There were (still) underlying desires / habits / behavioral patterns, unrecognized and unconscious, holding you back?
Well, simply from… achieving what you want…. Without external input, and distraction, from others.
Let me send you over to the ever-accomplished Alex Becker for more on this:
🎗️ ((And, again, I can’t reiterate this enough: What you’ve been reading here, and what you’re about to read from Alex, is wisdom that will stand the test of time. Don’t read this, skip to the next thing in your inbox / feeds, then keep searching for something. Everything you need is right here)).
by Alex Becker
If you're a young dude, and you feel lost/directionless — especially in terms of success — this is why.
It comes down to 3 things:
Brain Deficiency,
Brain Addictions and
Life Over complexity
Fix these…you'll likely figure out what you want and make it faster than you think.
To make it, you need clarity of thought, passionate thought at the RIGHT things, and focus of thought.
If you have these, you will know what you want [with] high level thoughts towards this thing, and it will be laser focused. Thus, you will get very good at it fast.
Here's how:
A) Brain deficiency.
If your mind is always in a fog, this fog does 2 things. #1) It makes thinking hard. #2) It KILLS motivation. If you have neither, you will not have the drive or clarity to understand what you want or pursue. That's automatic game over at step 1.
Brain fog comes from inflammation OR the body being in an overloaded/healing state. This comes from booze, drugs, sugar, processed food, too much food, or environmental factors.
Here's how you fix it.
STOP PUTTING STUPID SHIT IN YOUR BODY. Eat only low inflammatory food.
Yes, there are supplements, etc.
[But] 95% of it is simply reducing your diet to clean meat, vegetables, and carbs. Keyword: REDUCTION. Keep a simple bland AF low inflammatory diet you can repeat. Any diet can work.
Here is one I used:
B) Brain addictions
Now that you can THINK/access motivation, your brain must DESIRE what will move you forward. It cannot do this if you DESIRE other stuff. The problem is your brain does not desire success, it desires whatever generates the most dopamine...
Your brain rigs itself to default to the source of most dopamine in an environment. Social media/Video Games/Partying/TV etc. This gives your brain a HUGE hit. THUS, your brain will focus on these things and ignore successful things.
HOWEVER, once removed, your brain will again…default to the next highest thing.
REMOVE shit till your brain is so bored it defaults to something productive. This is how you find your passion. Your brain will automatically find something to cling to. Remove things for it to cling to till it hits something good.
When you do this, since your brain cant get dopamine else where, it will become obsessive over the good thing.
You will then be able to work on the good thing in the same way addicts play WoW for 24 hours straight.
In short : Remove anything you find your self focusing on that bad!
Here [below] is an example of me doing this. While I play games now, while I was building my company (now valued at 9 figures) I removed all sources of dopamine from my life.
C) Life complexity
Now you have motivation, clarity, and desire.
The last thing is life complexity. Most men have SO MUCH SHIT in their life they have to deal with. Car, furniture, friends/gf, rent, house. Think of all the shit you have to deal with every day and manage.
This eats up so much of your energy and time. This energy and time should be focused to making you successful... Not dealing with trivial life bullshit.
You will have all of your old age to collect furniture and horde and deal with your wife or own a boat.
Put it off!
In short, move away from people, live somewhere cheap, own nothing and voilà... Your entire time/energy is free to chase your goals.
Here's a bigger thought explanation of it:
If you do those three, Voilà, you have clarity, motivation, desire & energy, time, focus.
This is all a man needs to achieve what he wants. Doing this has built me a 9 figure company, an income of millions per month and a life of purpose, where I just wake up and have fun every day.
The only PROBLEM with these three things is it requires you to actually sacrifice many things. However, if you fail to sacrifice now, your goals/purpose/what you really want out of life will instead be the sacrifice.
So in short, STOP being a beta male pussy ass boy [BB’s Note: Or a “Ken” losing his girl to G.I. Joe] who needs constant sugar, Tik Tok, women's approval and house/objects that financially stretch you to feel “okay”.
Stop being a bitch, whose scared of giving up the smallest comfort to get what you want.