The “Pseudo-Moralistic Stances” Of Activists
Today is a day when a smattering of pissed off locals thought it to be unnerving, very inhumane, for our city police to be doing their jobs.
Yes, gladly, these “locals” don’t represent consensus-thinking inside our community. Their ideology runs amok with finger-waging cries of blue lives suck, and you should quit your job, Trump lover… versus gratitude and expressive gestures of you guys rock and thank you for protecting and serving.
So what were about 30 of our police doing that riled up these local… let’s call them what they are… ‘Misplaced young adults’ dressed up in all black outfits?
The police were simply standing at parade rest, around the perimeter of a beautiful city park, as community volunteers and resourceful charities helped relocate about 100 people who were part of it’s newly-turned “Tent City” status.
A status, mind you, that couldn’t (or shouldn’t have to) grow into anything other than temporary.
Many moved there because recent surrounding fires pushed them inward toward city limits versus where they’ve always stayed, on authorized campgrounds and on the greenway. But, again, through the combined efforts of a lot of cash-rich organizations, each homeless person was individually checked over and given a personalized plan of action, including what new location or “center” would take them in.
This little news-casting by me isn’t for a debate about homelessness and/or solving it. It, however, is a very salient tie-in to a 4-minute video clip with my favorite Canadian Dr. Jordan Peterson.
This is about truth bombs that, sadly, are becoming less and less part of innate common-sense and more and more about awakening our younger generations to something you & I (most likely you?) grew up with: A focus on getting our own house in order, first and foremost.
Now, onward to the good Doc…